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Get In Touch

K’s FLY TECH NRI PROPERTIES Trusted NRI Property Management Services Company your Trust is Our investment. We can protect your properƟes by doubling it as one of your family numbers and this is the ulƟmate goal of our NFRC. Buying/Selling assistance. Lands, residential, commercial, and industrial real-estate buying/selling assistance provided for genuine market price. Buying/Selling Property is always a big deal and involves hard earned money. it’s always a good idea to have it cross checked with professionals. We Fly Tech will physically check your property and verify if it really exist, names mentioned in Local Sub-registrar’s office matches with your information, geo tag the property with GPS Location, take actual pictures, all your property paper work to be evaluated with a professional lawyer, get encumbrance certificate to know about dealings in the said property, assist you in drafting a sale deed which takes care of your interest prior to registration, provide you about stamp duty liability and registration fees, our relationship manager will be physically with you or your Power of Attorney holder. Basically, we do all the procedures and try to reduce your anxiety/stress.

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+1 253-486-0030

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